Welcome to my personal tech blog!

My name is John Wostenberg and I write F# and .NET for work and for play. I am a fourth-year Computer Science and Theatre Arts major at Benedictine College, KS, USA. I am an active OSS contributor, having proposed, designed, and implemented some F# language features in the compiler (for example, I was responsible for the match! keyword). I like to frequent the F# Software Foundation slack channel, as well as the F# language design repositories, so if you see me there, stop by and say hello! I’ve had programming work (internships and freelancing) since my sophomore year of high school. I work on the .NET stack, having had jobs in both C# and, when I’m lucky – this summer of 2020 being one such fortunate time – in F#.

I am all for civilized and intelligent discussion. If you ever have any thoughts and/or want to strike up a conversation, feel free to create an issue at the Github repo. Let’s talk! No trolls or spam, though, please.