Welcome to the show!

My name is John Wostenberg and I live in Boulder, Colorado, US. I will be using this blog primarily for my F# and .NET endeavors. Though I may be a college student, I hope someone finds this blog useful. You can find more autobiographical tidbits if that’s your thing at my about page.

printfn "Obligatory Hello, World!"
// This is mostly so I don't forget how to highlight code :) which I will be doing quite frequently on this blog

The purpose of this introductory post is mostly to give myself something tangeable to hold myself accountable to.

My first real blog post will cover a recent project of mine that involved writing flexible and comprehensive unit tests for some low-level F# audio processing code (as part of a recent personal project that will see the light of day quite soon). It was a tricky subject for me at first, but I’ve come up with an approach that leaves me pretty satisfied.

I’m going to keep true to myself to write on some kind of regular basis, perhaps monthly. Enjoy the show!